Wednesday, June 23, 2004


We are going to Rio tomorrow, catching an early flight (around 0700). Below is the programme as described in a letter to the Reformed Baptist Fellowship by Franklin Ferreira -our host, and the same Franklin who was speaking at the conference in Petrolândia. Sadly, no visits to Copacabana included. Please take up the prayer points mentioned.

Oi, pessoal,
Hello everyone,

Gostaria de pedir as orações de vcs por um encontro reformado que teremos aqui no Rio, na igreja batista bíblica, pastoreada pelo Maurício.
I would like to ask your prayers for a reformed meeting which we will be having here in Rio, in the Baptist Bible Church, pastored by Mauricio.

Andrew e Cora estarão conosco à partir de quinta-feira. Na sexta teremos um jantar indiano,preparado por Cora, para cerca de 20 casais, na ibb (isto é típico de nós homens: nós fazemos a bagunça e nossas esposas tem que arrumar! :-)). Todos os que estarão no jantar são pastores, líderes e missionários reformados. Precisamos de um tempo de comunhão juntos, para conhecer novos irmão de fé e estreitar laços de amizade antigos.
Andrew and Cora will be with us from Thursday. On Friday we will have an Indian dinner, prepared by Cora, for about 20 couples, in the church building (this is typical of us men: we make a mess and our wives have to sort it out!). (I will be taking this point up with Franklin when we meet. Franklin's wife, Marilene, will not be involved, for reasons which appear below. Please pray for me and Maurício’s wife, Rosane, who will be helping me in the kitchen. I had been expecting to cook for 6 people, not 40!!) All attending the dinner are pastors, leaders and missionaries of reformed convictions. We need a time of fellowship together, to get to know new brothers in the faith and strengthen older friendships.

2. No sábado Andrew estará ministrando um curso de pregação expositiva, também na ibb. Esperamos pelo menos umas 30/40 pessoas. No domingo Andrew pregará pela manhã e noite na ibb. Lembrem-se dele em oração, para que todos nós sejamos não apenas estimulados a pregar expositivamente (para honrar o mandato bíblico mas também nossa tradição), mas que aprendamos mais também.

On Saturday Andrew will be giving a course on expository preaching, also in the church building. We are expecting at least 30/40 people. (Franklin has invited his seminary students to participate. He teaches at the Baptist Seminary in Rio.) On Sunday Andrew will preach in the morning and evening at the Baptist Bible Church. Remember him in prayer, so that all of us may be stimulated not only to preach in an expository way (to honour the biblical mandate as well as our tradition) but also that we will learn more.

3. Orem por Marilene. Hoje ela extraiu dois cisos que não nasceram, numa cirurgia que levou três horas. Estas 12 primeiras horas são cruciais e bem dolorosas. Peçam a Deus a pronta recuperação dela, para que também ela desfrute da comunhão, juntamente comigo e com os demais irmãos neste fim de semana.

Please pray for Marilene (this is Franklin’s wife – we are staying with them and their 3 year-old daughter in their small apartment in Rio.) Today she had two wisdom teeth extracted in a 3 hour session of surgery. These first 12 hours are crucial and very painful. Ask God to speed her recovery, so that she can enjoy the fellowship, together with me and with all the brethren this weekend.

Tanto Maurício como Andrew sabem que a vinda deste amado casal ao Rio é obra da providência de Deus. Todas as portas para a vinda deles ao Rio é obra de Deus, que nos guia com sua mão invisível! E que ele seja glorificado naquilo que estaremos fazendo neste fim de semana.

Maurício and Andrew are equally aware that the coming of this beloved couple (he means us!) to Rio is a providential work of God. All the open doors for their coming are the work of God, who guides us with his invisible hand! And may he be glorified in what we will be doing this weekend.

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