Monday, June 06, 2005
Second Reformed Baptist Congress, Conselheiro Lafaiete, MG 25-28 May 2005
Our visit to Minas Gerais for the second CRBB congress was an adventure and a blessing, in many ways. While Cora flew, Andrew travelled by car, a round trip of nearly 3000 km, including terrible rain in São Paulo, car problems, and a lethal, pot-holed road in Minas. Our group for Florianópolis consisted of 8 - representing 5 churches, of four Baptist denominations. The fellowship in the travelling was a conference in itself - and lasted longer than the congress! We visited the Baptist Church of Mionte Verde on the way, and the Grace Baptist Church in São José dos campos on the way back, where I preached on the Lord's day.
The theme this year was the Confession of Faith. Talks explored the importance and use of Confessions, as well as the pit-falls of an exagerated confessionalism. The group is still small, but more representative this year, and the congress had some very memorable moments. The CRBB web-site,, has more information, including pages in English.
Our visit to Minas Gerais for the second CRBB congress was an adventure and a blessing, in many ways. While Cora flew, Andrew travelled by car, a round trip of nearly 3000 km, including terrible rain in São Paulo, car problems, and a lethal, pot-holed road in Minas. Our group for Florianópolis consisted of 8 - representing 5 churches, of four Baptist denominations. The fellowship in the travelling was a conference in itself - and lasted longer than the congress! We visited the Baptist Church of Mionte Verde on the way, and the Grace Baptist Church in São José dos campos on the way back, where I preached on the Lord's day.
The theme this year was the Confession of Faith. Talks explored the importance and use of Confessions, as well as the pit-falls of an exagerated confessionalism. The group is still small, but more representative this year, and the congress had some very memorable moments. The CRBB web-site,, has more information, including pages in English.