Thursday, February 16, 2006

Teacher's Eye View 2 - Andrew's Wednesday Night IBE Class - Homiletics

This class is the Year 2 Bachelors' Group, together with a number of extras who are coming for the ride, including Marquito, from the Peregrinos, and Luis Picoli, the Roman Catholic from the Basic Group. The course has started well, but there is one aspect which is ALWAYS difficult here. In a course of two full semesters, we make sure that there is a very ample emphasis given to foundational questions - What is the ministry of the Word? - and so forth. This part is of extreme importance - but everyone is always expecting and wanting prectical tips on sermon preparation and delivery. There is an impatience to get to the methodology, and cut out the theory. We fight this at every turn, and past experience has shown that in the long haul it is the best way. So far the group has been showing good signs of excitement regarding what the ministry of the Word is, with some very striking reactions from men who are already pastors.
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