Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Belo Horizonte

On 23 March we hope to fly to Belo Horizonte, to be with the First Presbyterian Church once again. Andrew will be giving a third module on expository preaching on the Friday and the Saturday, while Cora will be giving a day for Sunday School Teachers on Saturday. This is a new venture. In addition there will be the usual preaching commitments: Friday night young people's meeting, and Sunday morning and evening meetings of the whole church. Please pray for the visit.

After modules on the NT letters and the synoptic gospels, Andrew is intending to handle texts and themes similar to those preached at the Carey Ministers' Conference in January, on the Apostolic Preaching in Acts, with the conviction that this is the area where work needs to be done. Those interested in seeing roughly where the teaching in Belo Horizonte will be going may like to look at Carey Preaching where Geoff Thomas has kindly summarised those messages on the Banner of Truth website.
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