Thursday, March 02, 2006

Russell Shedd on Hebrews at the Assembly of God, São José

Russell Shedd’s ministry in São José was a great blessing. The letter to the Hebrews is one of the most important parts of the New Testament in terms of its application in Brazil today, and its message is rarely heard. Perhaps the same could be said for Hebrews in other parts of the world.

The event gathered people from many churches across the city. The majority came from the Assemblies of God, but most evangelical denominations were represented, with most of our IBE students attending. There was an atmosphere of quiet studiousness, with very little music, most of the time being given to the Word. Dr. Shedd spoke for two periods of around 50 minutes to an hour each night. We are thankful that he has been invited back next year, to do John’s letters.

In a personal conversation, Dr. Shedd said that around one third of his invitations to speak now come from the Assemblies of God. This is a great encouragement, and reflects changes that we too have seen in our short time in Brazil. It is easy to see how his ministry has taken off amongst the Assemblies who are really valuing the Word. He speaks with great humility and love, constantly coming back to the text, just explaining it. He knows well where people are at, and treats all views with respect, and yet doesn’t hide his own perspective. He actually summarised the five points of Calvinism UNDER THAT NAME at the end of his exposition of chapter 6. He spoke carefully, not offensively, but in the process sowed important seeds in a community which is officially five point Arminian. Our respect and love for him soared.
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