Tuesday, April 04, 2006

House Repairs

As well as the generally busy schedule of the last few weeks, we have also been in the midst of a strange spate of water-related house repairs. The rear bathroom, part of the "maid's quarters" which we only use for storage, suffered damage due to a leak in the bathroom room above. Then a leak under the floor of our kitchen caused problems in the ceiling of the kitchen below. And, of longer term and slower development, a problem in the sealant of the main bathroom caused water seepage into the plaster of the bedroom wall, which has had to be replastered.

As you can imagine, all this makes for an extra-element of busyness, with rooms being vacated and out of use. However, on a positive note, our feeling is that "having workmen in" is actually overall less stressful here than in the UK. The main reason is that we have not had to pay for any of the repairs, as the flat is rented. But the pleasantness of the guys, the speed and willingness with which they work, and the careful clearing up after the job are all factors which make the prospect of repairs less unwelcome.

Leak in rear bathroom ceiling being investigated
prior to repair and making good.

Repair to plastering of bedroom wall.

Attack on plumbing leak underneath the kitchen floor.
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