Friday, May 12, 2006

29 April - 3 May: Home of Waldomiro de Deus and Lourdes de Deus

We arrived in Goiânia to be greeted at the airport by Douglas (from the Church of Christ) together with a young guy called Edom. We were to stay at his home. Just before leaving the car, Douglas said that we would find the home rather "different" - Edomm's father being an artist with a strong line in vivid story telling. Douglas was not exaggerating.

Waldomiro de Deus is a naïve painter with a career spanning four decades, exhibitions in several countries and all over Brazil. He is a Pentecostal believer, having been converted while in Jerusalem, at the height of the hippy era. The house is full of original art works: his own, those of his wife Lourdes, and those of friends from the Brazilian art world. (Full means that even the bathrooms each feature several original canvasses.) His work and something of his life (in eccentric English translation) can be seen here. His themes range between the Biblical, the everyday, and the corruption of governments and destruction of the environment.

Lourdes de Deus has a style reminiscent of Lowry: busy pictures, showing many aspects of Brazilian life and culture. Sadly she was not at home during our visit; she was taking care of an exhibition in São Paulo.

For us the experience of staying in Waldomiro’s home, and to meet his family, was a great joy, and really different, just as Douglas had said. Edom was a very close companion, practical help and encourager throughout the week. I hope we meet him and his family again.

Waldomiro de Deus and family. Waldomiro is the older man who apears several times. Edomm is at the extreme top right, and other places. His sister Rebeca is seen with her husband José Luis, and daughter Cecília also appears.

A House Full of Art

Elijah's ascent into heaven.

An apocalyptic or apocryphal theme? Someone help me.

Marital tensions over church affiliation. "Where shall we attend, my dear?" Both are believers, as we can see by the Bible, but his beard and her long skirt may indicate that he is the presbyterian, she the pentecostal.

A prisoner weeps in his cell, as he sees the tree and creeper that has grown up so freely in the twenty years of his incarceration.

Works of Lourdes de Deus

The house and garden also contain other original works by artists who are friends of the family.
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