Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Some matters for praise and prayer

Praise for a great time with Bec and Tom - some of the happiest weeks we have spent together in years. We seem to be finally settling into the rhythm of this living apart thing, they are getting into a good frame of mind about Brazil, and - probably the key factor - they (we all?!) are growing up. Bec got much better after her initial illness, although has suffered from asthma throughout the trip.

The evening on postmodernism went well, with a fruitful discussion. Thank you for praying. Tom and Bec both still speak excellent Portuguese, with a far better accent than their parents, and yet needing occasional help with vocabulary. It is a slightly odd situation, and not without its humour.

Photos from Bec and Tom's time with us.
Bec had her twenty first here: hence the formal, dressed-up, shots.

This weekend (29 Sept - 2 Oct) we are going to the first anniversary of the Presbyterian Church of Jaó, a suburb of Goiânia, Goiás. (764 miles away, as the crow flies.) Four moments of teaching will focus on Acts 2: Friday and Saturday nights, and Sunday morning and evening. I don't normally "do" anniversaries without a "strategic" element in a seminary or something, but this is a special case. The Pastor at Jaó is our first contact in Goiânia: Gil, and his wife Débora. (Old photo here:) Through his enthusiasm, having heard the one sermon I preached when Conrad Mbewe was taken ill in 1998, (available here - though site in renovation.) led to the most fruitful regional "centre" we have, with opportunities for teaching and training in various denominations in Goiânia and outside the city and state. The recent trip to the interior of Bahia would be one example of a Gil spin-off. Gil has been a top encourager since 1998, praying for us and putting opportunities in our way. We want to encourage him by showing willing for the first anniv of the new church.

Map with Florianópolis, Goiânia, Teresina and The Maranata Bible Institute all marked.

From Goiânia Cora will return home alone, taking up her studies and work with the girls on Wednesday nights. I will go on to Teresina, Piauí, (1606 miles from home, as the fly crows) for the first time, to do an intensive week at the new Presb seminary there - a workshop on expository preaching. (2-7 Oct) I am a bit nervous, as ever, going somewhere new, and also because of the weather. We are still in sweaters down here: Teresina is the hottest state capital in Brazil, with a daily maximum which averages over 40.

The other main ministry trip this month is to the Maranata Seminary (16-21 Oct) - an annual fixture, (see here) and a key commitment for us. We will both be teaching. Maranata has been having a very hard time: please pray that we might be an encouragement to all.

We take this opportunity to thank those who have contributed to our car fund, which has reached about 5000 pounds, well on the way to the figure we need. We praise God for your generosity.

The data projector (a generous gift from a friend) stopped functioning some months ago, and we have been without one for presentations. This makes a real difference to our teaching, and to musical flexibility in the church. The bulb is no longer available either from England or Brazil, and a new projector bought here could cost 1300 pounds or more. Please pray that we will soon be able to find a suitable replacement: we are aware that this is a capital issue at the same time as the car, but it is even more urgent.
How exciting for you guys to have Tom and Bec visit for a little while!!! Bec just gets prettier every year.:)
We just wanted to say hi and say that we always keep you in our prayers. We would love to sit down over coffee ( or beer!) and talk to you guys about all these new things we are learning here at Southeastern. Maybe next year.:)
Very nice pictures! Thanks for placing me in there too. Hope Bec and Tom arrive well back in England. And hope you're doing Ok. We'll talk later. À très bientôt!
Love, Rafa.
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