Saturday, September 02, 2006

Tuti's Sixtieth Birthday Lunch

Today our dear friend Tuti celebrated sixty years in style, with a lunch for family and friends at a hotel restaurant at the north of the island. This lady is a pillar of the Baptist community in the city, a real friend, a constant encouragement, who loves the old gospel and the old Book. She was part of our English group at the First Baptist Church, has attended Andrew's classes at IBE and takes a lively interest in the Peregrinos, albeit from outside!

Her birthday lunch was a fitting occasion. From the reading of a good humoured piece on the great change that a sixtieth birthday brings, to Tuti's recital of a poem learnt as a teenager about thankfulness for life, to the singing of a classic hymn on grace, (those present managing solid harmony with no rehearsal whatsoever) - here was the mix of humour, energy, naturalness and spirituality that we associate with this gracious lady. May God bless her and her family!

Tuti and husband Sadi are among the regular Brazilian visitors to this blog, mainly for the photos, though they both read and speak English very well. We therefore include a collage as an extra birthday present: photos from a walk in the park: the life of spring making its presence felt as August draws to a close.

Tuti and Sadi

Photos from an end of August walk in the park

There is still an autumnal feel in the shot of the hummingbird at bottom left, and in the soft Paineira tree down, floating on the pond at the top right. But the other pictures show the incredible vigour of the subtropical spring, with new growth evident everywhere, including in the massed caterpillars swarmed down a branch and into a silk-sewn leaf nest for mutual protection. This species reacts to loud noises with a coordinated, convulsive movement of the little black horns, giving the impression of a much larger creature in rapid movement.
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