Tuesday, November 21, 2006

16 - 20th November 2006 - Igreja Batista Maranata, Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul

This visit went very well. I missed Cora, the weather was off-putting, but the sense of God speaking through the ministry was powerful. On the final night it would seem that a Uruguayan lady who has been attending the church was clearly converted. This was a brief visit to take anniversary services, but with a view to establishing a strategic contact. This seems likely to happen in the New Year.

Photos from a bus window

A view from the bridge.

Rice fields and mountains, Santa Catarina

Rice fields and mountains, Rio Grande do Sul.

Young gaúchas

A Tourist Trip into Porto Alegre

Inside the municipal market, Porto Alegre.

The flag of Rio Grande do Sul: state pride stronger here than anywhere else in Brazil.

Sausage - with and without pepper.

Erva mate. Chimarrão is one of the defining marks of the gaúcho culture.

Devotees of an Afro-brazilian religion

The gasometer, Porto Alegre

Gramado - Chocolate Capital of Brazil

A foggy, rainy, miserable day in Gramado - the Swiss-style building is quite typical: in this case the town cinema, home to a major film festival. As well as chocolate, cheese and wine feature large in the shops.

Gecko on my bedroom ceiling. We rarely get them in our flat, so it has been a while since I tried for a photo of one.

My hosts for the weekend: Pastor Humberto, Jonadan, Benaia and Brenda

The Maranata Baptist Church and school

Randy and Cindy Richner and their children. We first met Randy and Cindy in 1998, when we visited Brazil with Les White. We have only met once since, as couples. However, their friendship and fellowship mean a lot, and we are at last close to getting some regular contact and mutual support going.

Tiago and Emily giving their testimonies to the church. This couple are about to get married and then baptised: their testimony was clear, profound and wonderful to hear.

Roberto, head of the Maranata School, and his family.

Saturday Night Congregation. Randy Richner's maternal grandfather is visible near the front: Pastor Stähl has been a missionary in Brazil since 1939. It is a privilege to know him and have fellowship with him.
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